Submission #465565

Source Code Expand

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <functional>
#define rep(i,n) for(int (i)=0;(i)<(int)(n);++(i))
#define rer(i,l,u) for(int (i)=(int)(l);(i)<=(int)(u);++(i))
#define reu(i,l,u) for(int (i)=(int)(l);(i)<(int)(u);++(i))
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || __cplusplus > 199711L
#define aut(r,v) auto r = (v)
#define aut(r,v) __typeof(v) r = (v)
#define each(it,o) for(aut(it, (o).begin()); it != (o).end(); ++ it)
#define all(o) (o).begin(), (o).end()
#define pb(x) push_back(x)
#define mp(x,y) make_pair((x),(y))
#define mset(m,v) memset(m,v,sizeof(m))
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define INFL 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3fLL
using namespace std;
typedef vector<int> vi; typedef pair<int,int> pii; typedef vector<pair<int,int> > vpii; typedef long long ll;
template<typename T, typename U> inline void amin(T &x, U y) { if(y < x) x = y; }
template<typename T, typename U> inline void amax(T &x, U y) { if(x < y) x = y; }

struct Node {
	static long long pathUpdateCount, treeUpdateCount;
	static long long pathPropagateCount, treePropagateCount;

	Node *pathLeft, *pathRight;			//path tree
	Node *siblingLeft, *siblingRight;	//sibling tree
	Node *topChild;						//path treeからsibling treeへ
	Node *parent;						//path/sibling treeの両方で用いられる
	bool reversed;						//evertのために、パスにだけ遅延伝播させる。path-localなlazinessの例としても
	int weight;							//頂点属性の例として
	long long pathWeightSum;			//path-localな情報
	long long treeWeightSum;			//entire-treeの情報
	ll maxDistLeft, maxDistRight;		//パスの左端・右端の頂点からの最大の距離(高さ)+1 (頂点の数で数える)
	ll maxDistSiblingLeft;				//sibling tree中のパスの頭からの最大の距離の最大値
	ll maxDistSiblingRight;			//reverseのために左右両方の場合を保持しておく
	ll sndDistSiblingLeft;				//diameterのために最大だけでなくsnd maxまでも保持しておく必要がある
	ll sndDistSiblingRight;			//1つしか無い場合は0とする

		: pathLeft(NULL), pathRight(NULL)
		, siblingLeft(NULL), siblingRight(NULL)
		, topChild(NULL), parent(NULL)
		, reversed(false)
		, weight(0), pathWeightSum(0), treeWeightSum(0)
		, maxDistLeft(0), maxDistRight(0)
		, maxDistSiblingLeft(0), maxDistSiblingRight(0)
		, sndDistSiblingLeft(0), sndDistSiblingRight(0)
		{ }

	inline Node *&path(bool lr) { return !lr ? pathLeft : pathRight; }
	inline Node *&sibling(bool lr) { return !lr ? siblingLeft : siblingRight; }
	inline Node *&child(bool ps, bool lr) { return !ps ? path(lr) : sibling(lr); }

	static long long getNodePathWeightSum(const Node *a) {
		return a->pathWeightSum;
	static long long getNodeTreeWeightSum(const Node *a) {
		return a->treeWeightSum;

	static ll getNodeMaxDistLR(const Node *a, bool lr) {
		return !(lr ^ a->reversed) ? a->maxDistLeft : a->maxDistRight;
	static ll getNodeMaxDistSibling(const Node *a) {
		return !a->reversed ? a->maxDistSiblingLeft : a->maxDistSiblingRight;
	static ll getNodeSndDistSibling(const Node *a) {
		return !a->reversed ? a->sndDistSiblingLeft : a->sndDistSiblingRight;

	static inline void assignMax(ll &x, ll y) {
		if(x < y) x = y;
	static inline void assignMaxSnd(ll &fst, ll &snd, ll y) {
		if(fst < y) {
			snd = fst;
			fst = y;
		}else if(snd < y) {
			snd = y;

	void treeUpdate() {
		treeUpdateCount ++;

		Node *a = this;
		long long treeWeightSum = a->weight;
		ll leftSum = a->weight + (a->pathLeft != NULL ? a->pathLeft->pathWeightSum : 0);
		ll rightSum = a->weight + (a->pathRight != NULL ? a->pathRight->pathWeightSum : 0);
		ll maxDistLeft = leftSum, maxDistRight = rightSum;
		ll maxDistSibling = 0, sndDistSibling = 0;

		if(a->pathLeft) {
			treeWeightSum += getNodeTreeWeightSum(a->pathLeft);
			assignMax(maxDistLeft, getNodeMaxDistLR(a->pathLeft, false));
			assignMax(maxDistRight, rightSum + getNodeMaxDistLR(a->pathLeft, true));
		if(a->pathRight) {
			treeWeightSum += getNodeTreeWeightSum(a->pathRight);
			assignMax(maxDistLeft, leftSum + getNodeMaxDistLR(a->pathRight, false));
			assignMax(maxDistRight, getNodeMaxDistLR(a->pathRight, true));
		if(a->topChild) {
			treeWeightSum += getNodeTreeWeightSum(a->topChild);
			ll childrenMaxDist = getNodeMaxDistSibling(a->topChild);
			assignMax(maxDistLeft, leftSum + childrenMaxDist);
			assignMax(maxDistRight, rightSum + childrenMaxDist);
		if(a->siblingLeft) {
			treeWeightSum += getNodeTreeWeightSum(a->siblingLeft);
			assignMaxSnd(maxDistSibling, sndDistSibling, getNodeMaxDistSibling(a->siblingLeft));
			assignMaxSnd(maxDistSibling, sndDistSibling, getNodeSndDistSibling(a->siblingLeft));
		if(a->siblingRight) {
			treeWeightSum += getNodeTreeWeightSum(a->siblingRight);
			assignMaxSnd(maxDistSibling, sndDistSibling, getNodeMaxDistSibling(a->siblingRight));
			assignMaxSnd(maxDistSibling, sndDistSibling, getNodeSndDistSibling(a->siblingRight));

		a->treeWeightSum = treeWeightSum;
		a->maxDistLeft = maxDistLeft;
		a->maxDistRight = maxDistRight;

		a->maxDistSiblingLeft = a->maxDistSiblingRight = maxDistSibling;
		a->sndDistSiblingLeft = a->sndDistSiblingRight = sndDistSibling;
		assignMaxSnd(a->maxDistSiblingLeft, a->sndDistSiblingLeft, maxDistLeft);
		assignMaxSnd(a->maxDistSiblingRight, a->sndDistSiblingRight, maxDistRight);

	void pathAndTreeUpdate() {
		pathUpdateCount ++;

		Node *a = this;
		int pathSize = 1;
		long long pathWeightSum = a->weight;
		if(a->pathLeft) {
			pathWeightSum += getNodePathWeightSum(a->pathLeft);
		if(a->pathRight) {
			pathWeightSum += getNodePathWeightSum(a->pathRight);
		a->pathWeightSum = pathWeightSum;


	void treePropagate() {
		treePropagateCount ++;

	void pathAndTreePropagate() {
		pathPropagateCount ++;

		Node *a = this;
		if(a->reversed) {
			std::swap(a->pathLeft, a->pathRight);
			std::swap(a->maxDistLeft, a->maxDistRight);
			std::swap(a->maxDistSiblingLeft, a->maxDistSiblingRight);
			if(a->pathLeft) a->pathLeft->reversed ^= true;
			if(a->pathRight) a->pathRight->reversed ^= true;
			a->reversed = false;

long long Node::pathUpdateCount, Node::treeUpdateCount;
long long Node::pathPropagateCount, Node::treePropagateCount;

//template<typename Node>
class DynamicTree {
	static inline bool isLocalRoot(const Node *a, bool ps) {
		return !a->parent || (a->parent->child(ps, false) != a && a->parent->child(ps, true) != a);

	static void propagateNode(Node *a, bool ps) {
		if(!ps) a->pathAndTreePropagate();
		else a->treePropagate();

	static void topdownMain(Node *a, int type) {
		Node *r = a, *q = a->parent;
		while(q != NULL) {
			if(type == 1 && (q->pathLeft != r && q->pathRight != r)) break;
			if(type == 2 && (q->siblingLeft != r && q->siblingRight != r)) break;
			Node *p = q;
			q = p->parent;
			p->parent = r;
			r = p;
		while(r != a) {
			Node *c = r->parent;	//メモしておいた子
			r->parent = q;			//メモに書き換えたものを戻す
			q = r;
			propagateNode(r, type == 2);
			r = c;
		propagateNode(a, type == 2);

	static void globalTopdown(Node *a) {
		topdownMain(a, 0);
	//path treeの根からaまでのパス上をトップダウンに遅延伝播させる
	static void pathTopdown(Node *a) {
		topdownMain(a, 1);
	static void siblingTopdown(Node *a) {
		topdownMain(a, 2);

	static void updateNode(Node *a, bool ps) {
		if(!ps) a->pathAndTreeUpdate();
		else a->treeUpdate();
	static void rotate(Node *a, bool ps, bool lr) {
		Node *p = a->parent, *g = p->parent, *c = a->child(ps, lr);
		if(p->child(ps, !lr) = c) c->parent = p;
		a->child(ps, lr) = p; p->parent = a;
		if(a->parent = g) {
			if(g->pathLeft == p) g->pathLeft = a;
			else if(g->pathRight == p) g->pathRight = a;
			else if(g->topChild == p) g->topChild = a;
			else if(g->siblingLeft == p) g->siblingLeft = a;
			else if(g->siblingRight == p) g->siblingRight = a;

	static void moveSiblingLinks(Node *a, Node *g) {
		if(a->siblingLeft = g->siblingLeft) a->siblingLeft->parent = a;
		if(a->siblingRight = g->siblingRight) a->siblingRight->parent = a;
		g->siblingLeft = g->siblingRight = NULL;

	//aを根からのパスの一部にしてさらにそのpath treeの根にする。
	//また、ps = false のときはsiblingをつなげすことも同時に行う。
	//lastupdate = trueの場合はこの時点でaはupdateされている必要がある。
	//lastupdate = falseの場合はaをupdateしない。
	static void localSplay(Node *a, bool ps, bool lastupdate = true) {
		if(isLocalRoot(a, ps)) return;
		//	・aから根へのパス以外のlocal tree上のノードは全てupdateされている
		//		(aを含むlocal tree以外のノードには関与しない。たとえlocal treeの根の親ノードでもupdateされていない場合がある)
		//	・aからglobalな根へのパスのノードは全てpropagateされている
		while(true) {
			Node *p = a->parent;
			bool plr = p->child(ps, true) == a;
			if(isLocalRoot(p, ps)) {
				if(!ps) moveSiblingLinks(a, p);
				rotate(a, ps, !plr);
				updateNode(a->child(ps, !plr), ps);
			}else {
				Node *g = p->parent;
				bool glr = g->child(ps, true) == p;
				bool groot = isLocalRoot(g, ps);
				if(groot && !ps) moveSiblingLinks(a, g);
				if(plr == glr) {
					rotate(p, ps, !plr);
					rotate(a, ps, !plr);
					updateNode(p->child(ps, !plr), ps);
					updateNode(p, ps);
				}else {
					rotate(a, ps, glr);
					rotate(a, ps, plr);
					updateNode(a->child(ps, plr), ps);
					updateNode(a->child(ps, !plr), ps);
				if(groot) break;
		if(lastupdate) updateNode(a, ps);

	//aからlocal treeの根へのパスはpropagateされている必要がある
	static void localPathSplay(Node *a, bool lastupdate = true) {
		localSplay(a, false, lastupdate);
	//aからlocal treeの根へのパスはpropagateされている必要がある
	static void localSiblingSplay(Node *a, bool lastupdate = true) {
		localSplay(a, true, lastupdate);
	//lastupdate = trueのときaはupdateされている必要がある。
	//lastupdate = falseのときa,hはupdateされない。
	static Node *pathHead(Node *a, bool lr = false, bool lastupdate = true) {
		assert(isLocalRoot(a, false));
		Node *h = a;
		while(true) {
			Node *c = h->path(lr);
			if(!c) break;
			h = c;
		localPathSplay(h, lastupdate);	//降りた分払う
		return h;

	//aの属するpath treeをaの右側の位置で切ってtopChildとする。
	//aはpath tree上でsplayされている必要がある。
	static void splitPath(Node *a) {
		assert(isLocalRoot(a, false));
		Node *r = a->pathRight, *c = a->topChild;
		if(r != NULL) {
			a->pathRight = NULL;
			a->topChild = r;
			assert(r->siblingLeft == NULL && r->siblingRight == NULL);
			if(r->siblingLeft = c) {
				c->parent = r;

	//sibling tree上でaを削除する(切り離す)。
	//aはsibling tree上でsplayされている必要がある。
	//aからglobal treeの根のパスはpropagateされている必要がある。
	//lastupdate = falseのときはaもaの親もupdateしない。
	static void deleteChild(Node *a, bool lastupdate = true) {
		Node *r = a->siblingLeft;
		if(!r) {
			Node *p = a->parent;
			if(r = a->siblingRight) r->parent = p;
			if(p != NULL) {
				p->topChild = r;
				if(lastupdate) p->treeUpdate();
		}else {
			while(r->siblingRight) {
				r = r->siblingRight;
			localSiblingSplay(r, false);
			assert(r->siblingRight == a && !a->siblingLeft);
			Node *b = a->siblingRight;
			if(r->siblingRight = b) b->parent = r;
		a->siblingLeft = a->siblingRight = a->parent = NULL;
		if(lastupdate) a->treeUpdate();

	//aをglobal treeの根に持っていく。
	static void expose(Node *a) {
		if(!a->parent) return;
		while(true) {
			localPathSplay(a, false);
			localSiblingSplay(a, false);
			Node *p = a->parent;
			if(!p) break;
			assert(p->topChild == a);
			Node *h = pathHead(a, false, false);
			assert(p->topChild == h);
			localPathSplay(p, false);
			Node *r = p->pathRight;
			if(r != NULL) {
				p->topChild = r;
				if(r->siblingLeft = h->siblingLeft) r->siblingLeft->parent = r;
				if(r->siblingRight = h->siblingRight) r->siblingRight->parent = r;
				h->siblingLeft = h->siblingRight = NULL;
			}else {
				deleteChild(h, false);
			p->pathRight = h;
			h->parent = p;

	static void directedLink(Node *a, Node *p) {
		expose(a); expose(p);
		assert(a->parent == NULL);
		Node *c = p->topChild;
		p->topChild = a;
		a->parent = p;
		if(a->siblingLeft = c) c->parent = a;

	static Node *directedCut(Node *a) {
		Node *l = a->pathLeft;
		if(l != NULL) {
			a->pathLeft = NULL;
			l->parent = NULL;
		return l;

	static bool isConnected(Node *a, Node *b) {
		if(a == b) return true;
		return a->parent != NULL;	//同じ木ならaが変更されてるはず

	static Node *getTreeRoot(Node *a) {
		return pathHead(a);

	static Node *lca(Node *a, Node *b) {
		if(a == b) return a;
		if(a->parent == NULL) return NULL;	//同じ木ならaが変更されてるはず
		while(1) {
			if(!a->parent) return a;
			a = a->parent;

	static void evert(Node *a) {
		a->reversed ^= true;

	static void link(Node *a, Node *b) {
		evert(a); expose(b);
		assert(a->parent == NULL);
		Node *c = b->topChild;
		b->topChild = a;
		a->parent = b;
		if(a->siblingLeft = c) c->parent = a;

	static void cut(Node *a, Node *b) {
		Node *l = b->pathLeft;
		assert(l == a);
		b->pathLeft = NULL;
		l->parent = NULL;

	static Node *exposePath(Node *a, Node *b) {
		Node *orgRoot = pathHead(a, true);
		assert(a == b || a->parent != NULL);	//連結性チェック
		return orgRoot;

	friend struct DynamicTreeDebugCheck;

typedef DynamicTree Tree;

struct NodeOps {
	static int getWeight(Node *a) {
		return a->weight;

	static void setWeight(Node *a, int weight) {
		a->weight = weight;

	static long long getPathWeightSum(Node *a, Node *b) {
		Node *orgRoot = Tree::exposePath(a, b);
		long long res = b->pathWeightSum;
		return res;

	static long long getTreeWeightSum(Node *a) {
		return a->treeWeightSum;

	static ll getMaxDistance(Node *a) {
		Node *orgRoot = Tree::getTreeRoot(a);
		ll res = Node::getNodeMaxDistLR(a, false) - a->weight;
		return res;


int main() {
	int Q;
	while(~scanf("%d", &Q)) {
		vector<Node> nodes(Q*2 + 1);
		nodes[0] = Node();
		int nNodes = 1;
		rep(ii, Q) {
			int T, A, C;
			scanf("%d%d%d", &T, &A, &C);
			if(T == 1) {
				Node *a = &nodes[A * 2];
				Node *e = &nodes[nNodes ++];
				Node *v = &nodes[nNodes ++];
				NodeOps::setWeight(e, C);
				Tree::link(a, e);
				Tree::link(e, v);
			}else if(T == 2) {
				Node *e = &nodes[A * 2 - 1];
//				cerr << NodeOps::getWeight(e) << " -> " << C << endl;
				NodeOps::setWeight(e, C);
			}else if(T == 3) {
				Node *a = &nodes[A * 2];
				ll ans = NodeOps::getMaxDistance(a);
				printf("%lld\n", ans);
			}else {
	return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task J - 仕事をしよう! (Working!)
User anta
Language C++ (GCC 4.9.2)
Score 160
Code Size 18727 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 3191 ms
Memory 117984 KB

Compile Error

./Main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
./Main.cpp:557:31: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
    scanf("%d%d%d", &T, &A, &C);

Judge Result

Set Name Sample Subtask1 Subtask2
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 5 / 5 155 / 155
AC × 3
AC × 9
AC × 18
Set Name Test Cases
Sample 0-sample-01.txt, 0-sample-02.txt, 0-sample-03.txt
Subtask1 0-sample-01.txt, 0-sample-02.txt, 0-sample-03.txt, 1-random-01.txt, 1-random-02.txt, 1-random-03.txt, 1-random-04.txt, 1-random-05.txt, 1-random-06.txt
Subtask2 0-sample-01.txt, 0-sample-02.txt, 0-sample-03.txt, 1-random-01.txt, 1-random-02.txt, 1-random-03.txt, 1-random-04.txt, 1-random-05.txt, 1-random-06.txt, 2-random-01.txt, 2-random-02.txt, 2-random-03.txt, 2-random-04.txt, 2-random-05.txt, 2-random-06.txt, 2-special-01.txt, 2-special-02.txt, 2-special-03.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
0-sample-01.txt AC 26 ms 796 KB
0-sample-02.txt AC 26 ms 776 KB
0-sample-03.txt AC 26 ms 780 KB
1-random-01.txt AC 23 ms 800 KB
1-random-02.txt AC 27 ms 1056 KB
1-random-03.txt AC 27 ms 1060 KB
1-random-04.txt AC 60 ms 3108 KB
1-random-05.txt AC 62 ms 3232 KB
1-random-06.txt AC 55 ms 3112 KB
2-random-01.txt AC 478 ms 24168 KB
2-random-02.txt AC 520 ms 24224 KB
2-random-03.txt AC 461 ms 24220 KB
2-random-04.txt AC 2776 ms 117872 KB
2-random-05.txt AC 3191 ms 117928 KB
2-random-06.txt AC 2634 ms 117920 KB
2-special-01.txt AC 556 ms 117980 KB
2-special-02.txt AC 589 ms 117920 KB
2-special-03.txt AC 599 ms 117984 KB